Global Leaderboard


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Pos. User Pts MP CS CR GD Avg
1 Adam Jerzy 1311 328 34 183 -617 4.00
2 Stevec 1287 330 32 182 -627 3.90
3 John Campion 1282 330 38 185 -666 3.88
4 norbynorb 1222 330 33 179 -664 3.70
5 Gavin 1213 330 42 174 -644 3.68
6 Duzzmatter 1209 330 35 177 -648 3.66
7 Mikec 1207 330 30 178 -668 3.66
8 Emma Dale 1185 330 27 175 -646 3.59
9 Aeris 1173 330 32 174 -660 3.55
10 Jacob 1160 330 36 179 -712 3.52
11 Jonson 1135 330 30 174 -691 3.44
12 Simon Elliott 1133 330 29 174 -685 3.43
13 Tesh 1127 330 35 170 -670 3.42
14 Ginginho 1103 330 38 170 -683 3.34
15 Fraser Greenwell 1102 330 30 171 -698 3.34
16 Sean Harrison 1101 330 38 169 -697 3.34
17 Large_sarge 1090 330 20 174 -702 3.30
18 Jacquelyn Grewcock 1070 330 28 169 -685 3.24
19 Marty Elliott 1036 330 21 170 -724 3.14
20 Ryan Jelley 999 330 23 165 -721 3.03
21 JAG 986 330 32 154 -647 2.99
22 Rachel 951 330 32 158 -714 2.88
23 prem 580 330 18 141 -866 1.76
24 Jamiecee20 371 330 34 97 -669 1.12
25 HatterNeil 278 330 34 90 -694 0.84

The leaderboard position is calculated using the following criteria (in order):

  • Most Points
  • Best Goal Difference (ie closest to 0)
  • Most Correct Scores
  • Most Correct Results

If all criteria is equal the position will be shared.